The Sibert Family of South Carolina and Alabama

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MAJOR GENERAL EDWIN LUTHER SIBERT (1987–1977), son of Major General William Luther Sibert4 (William3, David2, John David1)

Edwin Luther Sibert, the son of William Luther Sibert and Mary Margaret Cummings, was born on 2 March 1897 in Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas. [1] He died on 16 December 1977 in McLean, Fairfax County, Virginia. [1] He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery. He married Laura Carey on 10 May 1919 at the Church of the Incarnation in New York, New York. [2]

Photo of his gravestone.

Edwin Sibert graduated from West Point in 1918. As a brigadier general he was chief of intelligence to Omar N. Bradley at the 12th Army Group during World War II. After the war he was Assistant Director of the C.I.A. In 1948 he was stationed in Puerto Rico as the commander of the Antilles. From 1950 to 1952 he was chairman of the Inter-American Defense Board. in 1952 he was commander of Camp Edwards on Cape Cod. In 1953 he was promoted to major general and sent to Japan as chief of staff of the Far East Command. He retired in 1954, but went on several extended missions for the Defense Department between 1955 and 1961. [3]

He was an honorary commander of the military division of the most excellent order of the British empire. [4] He was awarded the French Legion of Honor and Croix de Guerre with Palm.

He was awarded the bronze star. The commendation says, "General Sibert personally interrregated the resistance leader of Paris. As a result of his findings he presented the situation to General Bradley. Based upon this presentation and his recommendation, the decision to to take the city was made." [5]

More photos, advice to his son

Details of his military career can be found on his wikipedia page.


1. Death Certificate, registration area 129, no. 1488, Department of Health, Commonwealth of Virginia, certified copy, author's copy.
2. Marriage Certificate, no. 13534, Department of Healty, City of New York, author's copy; church marriage certificate, author's copy.
3. "Edwin Luther Sibert," obituary, Assembly 37, no. 4 (March 1979): 122–3.
4. Citation, Brigadier General Edwin L. Sibert, United States Army, author's copy.
5. Citation for Bronze Star Medal, author's copy.

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27-Oct-2021 10:51 AM
